An easy step-by-step guide to build and publish Python packages.

So you have a great idea to create a Python package that could be useful to many people, and you want to make it available to the public.

That's a great project and will allow you to share your work with the world and maybe achieve great success and create a community of users and contributors around your product.

However, the process of creating, building and publishing a python project might be tedious and time-consuming.

You can find the information about how to achieve this on the interwebz, but it requires a lot of google-fu, and the relevant information is scattered over many websites.

In this tutorial I will explain how to do that in a detailed and easy to follow step-by-step procedure.


Git is a Source Control System and GitHub is a collaborative platform which allows multiple developers to work on the same projects as well as sharing your code with the world.

You can download and install git by clicking on the link and follow the installation instructions.

Create an account on GitHub by clicking on the link.


I recommend using the Python distribution created by Anaconda as this is a great Python distribution and provides pre-compiled packages for many python packages, especially scientific packages bundled with libraries written in C, C++, Fortran, Go, etc...

It is really easy to use and by using Anaconda you don't need to have compilers installed on your computer, which can be a big hassle especially on Windows systems, or more exotic architectures with ARM, PowerPC or AArch64 processors.

The Anaconda distributions comes in 2 flavors:

  • The main distribution is Anaconda [Miniconda]. It comes pre-bundled with over 1500 scientific packages automatically installed at once.
    It takes time to download and install and takes a large amount of disk space (a few minutes and 3 GB), But you won't need to install each of the packages you want to use individually.

  • The other distribution is Miniconda. It comes pre-bundled with just the core Python and a few packages.

You can install your chosen distribution by clicking on their link and following the installation instructions provided on their website.

Once Anaconda/Miniconda is installed, you need to add the conda-forge channel to your list of package repositories:

conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict

For faster installation of conda packages use mamba instead of conda:

conda install mamba -n base -c conda-forge


Install a tool called cookiecutter. This is a command-line utility that creates projects from a Python package project template.

mamba install cookiecutter -y

Then create your package structure by cloning a Cookiecutter project template:

git clone

Modify the variables defined in cookiecutter.json and have a look at the project structure if you want to make some changes.

Create a new repository on GitHub named as the name of your package then push your newly created project folder to this new repository.

Then generate your project from the project template:

cookiecutter <path/to/my/project template>/

You will be prompted to enter some project config values. (These are defined in the project’s cookiecutter.json.)

Then, Cookiecutter will generate a project from the template, using the values that you entered. It will be placed in your current directory. Find detailed information here.


You are now almost ready to code your awesome package. You just need to set up your development environment.


You need to first create a python virtual environment that will contain your project and all its dependencies. This will prevent your needed dependencies to interfere with the main Python environment.

To create a new virtual environment:

conda create --name myenv python=3.x <optional packages that you want pre-installed in this virtual environment>

Where 'myenv' is the name of your virtual environment and replace 'python=3.x' by the python version you desire.

You can also specify a list of packages that you want pre-installed in this virtual environment and conda will install them automatically.

Once the virtual environment has been created, navigate to the root folder of your project and activate the new virtual environment:

conda activate myenv

Where 'myenv' is still the name of your virtual environment.

Modify the files 'setup.cfg' and '' according to your needs. You can find a helpful guide on how to do that here.


In order to develop your package you need to make it editable so that any changes you made to the code are immediately applied, and you can test and debug your code.

To enable this feature, while still in the root folder of your project (and making sure that your virtual environment is active) type the following command:

pip install -e .


You can now create and edit your code, add dependencies and run unit tests on your code to squash any bug that might be crawling around.

You can specify the dependencies that your package needs to run in a file called requirements.txt.

The dependencies on the tools you use while developing your package can be specified in a file called requirements_dev.txt.

You can find more information on the use of requirements files here.

I advised adding replacing in your the list named 'requirements' by the following code to always keep in sync the requirements for your package specified in and those specified in requirements.tx in order to always have an up to date

with open('requirements.txt') as f:
    requirements =

This is necessary as the command pip/conda install doesn't check the requirements.tx file to install the dependencies, but the 'requirements' value in your file.

I STRONGLY advise you to write tests and run them regularly. I recommend using pytest to run your tests. The dependency on pytest is specified in requirements_dev.txt as it is only used during development.

You should put your tests in the 'test/' folder created by cookiecutter.


In order to manage your dependencies I recommend to use pip-upgrader: It is a tool which allows you to automatically keep your dependencies up to date.

Install pip-upgrader by typing:

pip install pip-upgrader

First install the dependencies you specified by typing these commands:

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

During the course of your development you can make sure that your dependencies are up to date by running this command from time to time:

pip-upgrade requirements.txt requirements_dev.txt

This will check on PyPi if there are newer versions of your dependencies and update the requirements files with the latest versions. If it finds new version, you just need to reinstall your dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

After a while you will be ready to build and publish your package. That's great news!


I also STRONGLY advise you to write a good documentation for your project as it makes a great difference in the potential success of your project.

I recommend using Sphinx to autogenerate the documentation. You can install it by typing:

pip install Sphinx

Once Sphinx is installed you can easily autogenerate the documentation for your project by navigating to the docs/ folder of your project and running:

make html

This will auto-generate an html version of your documentation. That's great but wouldn't it be better if your documentation was automatically uploaded to readthedocs so that it is always available online?

Create an account readthedocs and follow their instructions on how to automatically upload your documentation to their site every time you release a new version of your package.

The documentation will be automatically available and always up to date at

You are now ready to build your package.


I recommend using the tool bump2version to easily update the version number of your package. You can install it by typing:

pip install bump2version

When you are ready to release a new version of your package, type:

bump2version <option>


Once you bumped the version number, it is time to build your package. Run the following command to build your package. This will create both a source distribution and a binary distribution.

python sdist bdist_wheel

The built packages will be placed in the dist/ folder of your project.

Now It is time to distribute your package.


You are ready to upload your package to PyPi which is the official repository of Python packages.

You must first create an account on PyPi to be able to upload your package.

The tool to upload your package is called twine. It is very easy to use.

To install twine, type the following command:

pip install twine

Once twine is installed, upload your package to PyPi by typing this command:

twine upload dist/*

This command will ask you for the username and password of your Pypi account.

You can alternatively create a file called .pypirc which contains your configuration and credentials and use this command to upload your package:

twine upload --config-file <path/to/your/.pypirc> dist/*

Once uploaded to PyPi, your package will be able to be installed by people by simply typing:

pip install <your-package-name>

You have now successfully uploaded your package to Pypi. This is great and now users can start to use your package!

But if you want your package to be even more widely available and be able to be installed on all platforms even exotic ones, I advise you to also upload your package to conda-forge. This way your package will be also available on Anaconda.


In order to upload your package to conda-forge see for more details.

I will give a quick rundown of how to achieve this:


Create a new branch from the staged-recipes master branch.

Generate a new folder with <your_package_name> in the recipes subdirectory.

Generate the recipe for your package with the following command:

mamba install grayskull
grayskull pypi <your_package_name>

This will grab the latest version of your package from PyPi and auto-generate the recipe to create a conda package.

Edit the file meta.yaml with the relevant information.

Create a Pull Request to upload the recipe.

After the Pull Request is merged, a new repository with your package is created at

You are now the maintainer of this repository.

You can now update this repository, and the changes you make will be automatically updated to conda-forge.


In order to efficiently manage your new package repository follow these instructions.

Optionally add a new remote:

git checkout master
git remote add upstream<feedstock>
git fetch upstream
git checkout -b <branch-name>

Where feedstock is your package name and branch-name is a new git branch where you will make your changes.

Make changes locally to the recipe and re-render the package:

conda smithy rerender -c auto

Push your changes to the remote repository:

git push origin <branch-name>

Create a Pull Request on\.

Merge the Pull Request after all tests are successful.

Your package is now available at\.


You are now the proud creator and maintainer of a python package which can be used by almost anybody either through PyPi or through conda-forge.

However, as you could gather by reading through this tutorial, there are many steps involved in creating, building and releasing a Python package to a large audience, and for each of those manual steps there is a chance to make a mistake, and the whole process is time-consuming.

Fortunately we are programmers, and programmers are lazy! (the good kind of laziness which leads to better automation).

In the next part of this article I will provide a way to completely automate the whole process through a single push to your repository by using Github Actions which will:

  • Build the package and run the test suite with code coverage on Windows, Linux and MacOs to ensure maximum compatibility

  • Generate the documentation and upload it to

  • Analyze your package for security vulnerabilities

  • Upload the package to PyPI

  • Update the conda-forge recipe for your package

  • Upload your package to conda-forge

This automated process will greatly reduce the opportunities for error and is completely reproducible. It will also save a loads of time while maintaining your project and updating it regularly, either to add new features or to fix bugs.

This the same automated process I use to keep, for example, my package mlconjug3 on PyPi and Anaconda in sync just by pushing my new features/bug fixes to my GitHub repository.

The GitHub actions I defined create a complete Continuous Integration and Delivery process that I have tested and used for a while with great satisfaction. As a bonus it freed a lot of my time to be able to focus more on the coding and R&D aspects of my projects.

I hope I have whetted your appetite for the next article in this series about Python packaging and distribution and that you enjoyed this article.

Let me know in the comments below if this article was useful and detailed enough for a beginner pythonista to be able to follow those instructions, as it is hard to gauge how much or how little details I should provide given tht I have a lot of experience in packaging and distributing python packages, I tend to forget how frustrating it was the first time.

This is the reason I wrote this tutorial, to collate in a single place the many resources a first timer would have to dig through in order to distribute their first Python package.

Do not hesitate to make suggestions about how to improve it by making some steps clearer or more detailed.





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